Apple announces WatchKit, devs can use it to extend their apps to the Apple Watch

By on Email @exolete

Apple Watchkit

Apple has just announced WatchKit, its direct competitor to Android Wear. WatchKit will allow devs t integrate their existing apps with the Apple Watch. WatchKit apps integrate "glances" which at first will be just glanceable information, notifications and such but developers can extend that to make them actionable like replying to a tweet, accepting a friend request on Facebook. Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook are already onboard with WatchKit, and you also have a BMW app. You can check scores with the MLB app, Nike app to track fitness and an American Airlines app to keep track of your flight. There are several more partners but these were the ones discussed.

Apple Watch Fitness

Watch Kit apps will make use of the processing power of your iPhone to locate or process information to show on the Apple Watch. There are also two apps which take care of your health, first is Activity which monitors movement throughout the day and the second is Workout which tracks your dedicated exercise throughout the day.