Microsoft unveils Windows 10: One OS to rule them all

By on Email @exolete

Windows 10 Launch

Microsoft Windows 10 just went official, although its not going to be available before mid of 2015, the company did highlight a few new features.

Terry Myerson, Microsoft chief of OS said that Windows is used by over 1.5 Billion people and its time for a new Windows. On skipping Windows 9 as a name, Microsoft said that the changes are so comprehensive that you would immediately understand the jump. Myerson also eased enterprise users' mind by saying that all current management systems will be compatible with Windows 10.

Moreover, Windows 10 will finally see Microsoft's dream of one OS across all devices come to fruition. Here are some noteworthy features of Windows 10.

A Revamped Start Menu

Windows 10 Start Menu

The Start Menu is making a comeback in a big way especially on non-touch devices. The new Start Menu will now show a list of traditional apps alongwith modern apps side-by-side. The tiles will be resizable in the start menu as well. There's Universal search which shows installed apps and web results as well. Cortana is also going to be a part of Windows 10's search.

Touch based apps on Desktop, Virtual Desktops and Multitasking

Windows 10 Virtual Desktops

At present even on Windows 8.1 modern apps run on the desktop albeit in, sort of, their own environment. But with Windows 10 they will run like any other traditional app.

Windows 10 Snap View

Microsoft is also adding Virtual Desktops to Windows 10 where you will be able to able to group running apps in various desktops from which you can pin apps side-by-side using Snap View. Task View lets you view all apps running in the background.

Universal Apps

Universal apps are coming with Windows 10 big-time. These apps are going to allow developers to make just one app which will work on a desktop, tablet or phone and even XBOX. Microsoft has already started accepting Universal apps in the Windows Store but Windows 10 will receive the biggest push in this respect. 

But that's not all there are more changes inside the hood which the company will detail later at Build. A "Technical Preview" of Windows 10 will be available for download starting today for developers and enterprise users.